Lords of Hellas review

Rated: 5 / 5 I backed this game on kickstarter, and I believe I can say this could turn out to be my favorite kickstarter backed game next to The Lord of the Ice Garden (which also originates from Poland, along with the novel series which that game is based off of, which currently doesn't … Continue reading Lords of Hellas review

My opinion on Game of Thrones so far.

Source First off, let me get this out of the way, I have not seen every season of the show, nor have I read every book (only the first 2, and that's as far as I'm going). I've seen the first season in its entirety, bits and pieces of seasons 2-5, and have seen season … Continue reading My opinion on Game of Thrones so far.

Secret of Mana review

Rated: 3/5 So I played the SNES version, without the SNES, because I like being able to save when I want where I want. Anyway, the game is highly regarded as a classic and as one of the greatest JRPGs of all time. When I first started playing it, I had to agree. Mainly because … Continue reading Secret of Mana review

Drunk review: 50 Shades of Grey

Sober Rating: 1/5 Drunk Rating: 4/5 Introduction Yes, you read the title right. Drunk review. What's a drunk review in this case? Well I down a drink or two before the movie starts, then start watching the movie, and typing my thoughts down on it in real-time (occasionally pausing the movie if I have to … Continue reading Drunk review: 50 Shades of Grey